Pro-Comfort Baby Drops
7.5ml | 0 - 3 years
Friendly bacteria for little tummies. Our Kendamil Pro-Comfort Baby Drops are designed to support the development and balance of your little one’s gut microbiome.
Our drops uniquely contain 3 friendly bacteria strains (Bifidobacterium Lactis, Lactobacillus Reuteri and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus) with 375 million live bacteria per serving.
At Kendamil we don’t do unnecessary ingredients, so you’ll find no artificial colours, sugars, gluten, maltodextrin or soy!
Our drops are suitable from birth and are designed to work alongside breastfeeding or bottle feeding. All they need is 5 drops a day, administered with our easy to use pipette. One bottle is 7.5ml and contains 30 days servings.
Kendamil compared

Pro-Comfort Baby Drops

BioGaia Protectis Baby Drops
Bacteria strains
3 strains
1 strain
Gluten free
No maltodextrin
With FOS
Price per online stores
*Pricing and ingredients information taken from Where products are not available at Tesco, their pricing has been determined using of 03.04.2024
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